Helping All Children
Embedded Instruction is an evidence-based multi-component approach for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction for preschool children with disabilities in inclusive settings. The Tools for Teachers professional development package has been shown to increase teachers confidence and competence with embedded instruction and promote positive outcomes for children (Snyder et al. 2018).
Embedded Instruction California Project
The Embedded Instruction grant connects the DRDP (2015; California Department of Education 2016) assessment to curriculum and instructional practices to strengthen the relationship between assessment and instruction and provide planned and intentional instruction for children with disabilities during everyday activities. Local educational agencies (LEAs) within California will work with experts and researchers in the area of embedded instruction to pilot these techniques and practices in their early childhood programs.
Listen to the embedded instruction team talk about the project and embedded instruction in California.
Check out the Spring issue of The Edge Click Here to learn more about how the Embedded Instruction Project supports inclusion in California.
Listen to a California preschool teacher talk about how using the DRDP (2015) and embedded instruction has helped her to enhance outcomes for a child with disabilities in her classroom.
As part of the project, participating teachers engage in the Tools for Teachers professional development and practice-based coaching program to learn about embedded instruction practices. Teachers gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to use embedded instruction practices.
If you would like to find how your teachers can participate send an information request to info@embeddedinstruction.net
Project Supports
Workshops & Training
Teachers and coaches from your district attend two days of training about embedded instruction.
Coaching in the Classroom
Coaches are trained to use practice-based coaching to support teachers' implementation of embedded instruction in the classroom.
Online Resources & Courses
Teachers and coaches have access to the website for resources, materials, and our new online learning courses.
Professional Learning Communities
Coaches and teachers participate in monthly practice-based professional learning communities to strengthen collaboration and practice together.
Supports for Coaches & Adminstrators
The project team works with coaches and administrators to support the project from start to finish.
Practice-based Coaching
The Tools for Teachers professional learning and development package uses an approach to coaching called practice-based coaching. Practice-based coaching (PBC) is a cyclical process involving (1) planning goals and action steps informed by a strengths and needs assessment, (2) engaging in focused observation, and (3) reflecting on and sharing feedback about teaching practices. A growing body of research has highlighted the importance of coaching and practice-based coaching for effectively supporting teachers to use and sustain new practices such as embedded instruction (Snyder, Hemmeter, and Fox 2015).

Listen to two California teachers who participated in practice-based coaching talk about their experiences.